Permaculture Central Coast
We are an enthusiastic group of volunteers that work together to encourage more people on the NSW Central Coast to learn, practice and teach permaculture.
We want to inspire people everywhere to get more permaculture happening on the ground.
Latest news
New Directory
We often get enquiries about where to find professional permaculture services like designers and landscapers because these small businesses usually don't have a big budget to advertise. And people are not always aware of other volunteer organisations such as...
Understanding Permaculture Ethics
Graham discusses the ethical underpinnings of permaculture. Watch the video or read the transcript.
Change of plans for online meeting
Unfortunately, our advertised 'Edge Effects with Brett Cooper' cannot go ahead tomorrow night. INSTEAD, please join us for an impromptu zoom chat - Permie Lockdown Stress Busters!!
Upcoming events
Permaculture Central Coast Dream Team bimonthly meeting
Jean & Sarah’s home
Group photo by Leisa Cox