Guest Speakers: William Eastlake and Kenney LeMire
How do we perceive the state of the housing and building industry today and is it moving in the right direction? What are the driving principals guiding this direction, are they really in our best interest and that of the planet?
What is the perception of earth building today? Is it accessible, acceptable and affordable?
Should we be living within our wants, or within our needs? Can we have both?
What is good design and how can it help?
Our thoughts and ideas on these questions and more.
Kenney and Will Studied Architecture at the University of Canberra where their keen interest in natural building and sustainability began to evolve. Exploring aspects of sustainable design in university projects and hands on studies constructing experimental structures using bamboo.
Kenney gained experience in residential and commercial design projects with the Canberra Architect practice ‘Daryl Jackson Alastair Swayn’.
While Will gained experience with Canberra based organisation ‘Indigenous Business Australia’ primarily designing housing and community centres for remote indigenous communities.
Kenney and Will then travelled abroad to further their understanding of community and sustainability.
Kenny travelled to America where he was inspired in particular by the gathering ‘Burning Man’ which is a temporary community gathering that promotes creativity, gifting/sharing (non monetary society) and participation amongst many other things.
William took a year long volunteer position to manage a permaculture and natural building education centre called ‘Punya’ in Thailand. While at Punya he helped manage and facilitate workshops, PDC’s and internships while furthering his knowledge and experience in natural building and permaculture.
Upon returning and inspired by our travels we set up separate businesses with the assistance of the NEIS program (New Enterprise Incentive Scheme), each with an equal share in both businesses.
The business Lucid Space Design established by Kenney has a focus on their passion for bamboo construction, exploring structure and space creation. In particular structures such as stages, bridges, archways/ entrances and large-scale sculptures are often built. The projects are generally interactive with participants encouraged to climb, lounge, swing or perform and are always the result of collaboration and participation.
The business Integrated Bio-Tecture Design has a focus on their passion for sustainability through design and construction in particular promoting natural building with earth and bamboo. Along with their design practise they provide natural building workshops introducing people to the techniques and benefits of natural building. Integrated Bio-Tecture Design has built numerous small-scale structures often during workshops with the help of participants not only promoting sustainability in natural building but also in community building.
Tuesday, 19th July 2016, 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
Tuggerah Hall, Anzac Road, Tuggerah, directly opposite Hungry Jacks – within easy walking distance of Tuggerah Railway Station.
Parking is accross the road in the council carpark next to Hungry Jacks . Unofficially we can use the carpark for the Real Estate Agent to the right of the hall as they are usually closed by 6.30 PM . Please do not park in the Pizza Inn carpark on the left hand side .