Guest Speaker: Teresa Rutherford
Due to popular demand, we’ve invited again Teresa, from Compost Happens, to share her awesome tips.

This evening is designed to encourage people to rethink their attitudes and behaviours towards the use of toxic chemicals in and around the home and on themselves.
It shows participants how easy it is to use non-toxic cleaning practices and non toxic personal care products that can still look and feel good. See how easy it is to reduce the chemicals used in the home and on you. As consumers each one of us has the power to make a contribution to a healthier future for our families.
Tuesday 19th February, 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
Tuggerah Hall, Anzac Road, Tuggerah, directly opposite Hungry Jacks – within easy walking distance of Tuggerah Railway Station.
Parking is across the road in the council carpark next to Hungry Jacks . Unofficially we can use the carpark for the Real Estate Agent to the right of the hall as they are usually closed by 6.30 PM . Please do not park in the Pizza Inn carpark on the left hand side .
If you’d like to socialise with our members after the talk, please bring a plate of food to share.
Members: free
Visitors: gold coin donation