CANCELLED – Information Evening – Owning chickens

Chicken in paddock

Date(s) - 21/07/2020
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Sorry for the late notice, but tonight’s scheduled Information Evening on Owning Chickens has had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

We will try to re-schedule the speaker for another meeting.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this late cancellation may have caused.

Guest speaker: Mel Cooper

Mel is founder and operator of Sustainable Education Australia Pty Ltd and has been the principle facilitator/speaker since the company’s conception 12 years ago. Melissa is a workshop leader and has been facilitating workshops for Councils throughout NSW successfully. She has seen the demand from not only the public but also the respective councils to implement an interactive workshop to help reduce household waste and provide education to families wanting to create a more sustainable future. Melissa is also the Author of the Best Selling Book “Keeping Backyard Chickens”, and the Creator of the Sustainable Living Certificate Course which are both Nationwide publications.

The Talk

The chicken has amazing credentials. What other backyard animal, is a composter, weed controller, pest controller, creator of natural fertiliser and food production all in one? From humble beginnings, the backyard chicken is known as micro livestock pet. In fact it is the only sustainable backyard pet. Don’t miss this essential workshop on the basics of keeping backyard chickens with the lowdown and insights into these wonderful additions to your backyard.


Tuesday, 21st July, 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start


At your home.

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Members: free

Visitors: gold coin donation (waived for online meetings)