A Documentary co-produced by Uni of Ncle researcher/lecturer, Terry Leahy
This film documents a permaculture project in Zimbabwe, which has totally transformed the lives of the Shona people over a period of twenty years.
The project has been successful in establishing food security, addressing land degradation & empowering social development.
See the full story of the project, with the factors distinguishing it from many less successful aid efforts based on culturally inappropriate assumptions, at: http://alturl.com/enuxf
The screening of the Chikukwa Project is a fundraiser for producing a TV program of the Project. Terry Leahy, the film maker and Sociologist-Permaculturist at the University of Newcastle, will give a live presentation followed by a Q&A time.
When: 10.50* for 11am Sunday 2nd February 2014,*or 10.40 to add morning tea/ coffee/ cool drink if you book in advance
Where: Uniting “Church in the Trees” Hall, Stockton St, Morisset, 13 mins walk Morisset Station
Cost: There’ll be a voluntary collection towards Dr Leahy’s project of making a public TV quality standard film of Chikukwa, which, with your help, could have a global impact to make aid and development more effective.
Enquiries: Tom Toogood ecotom@bigpond.com
This event is co-sponsored by Permaculture Central Coast