By Shirley James, PCC Secretary
It seems a long time since we had the last meeting for the year in November. That was quite a fun meeting with lots of delicious food and everyone having a great old chat. Not much change in the executive but maybe someone will step forward next time and have a go.
The film in January was interesting and we all wish we could have a super Food Forest but most of us are doing something about growing our own fruit trees. Robyn grows great bananas and Jean’s food forest is developing nicely after all the Earthworks last July. Denise and John are happy with their wicking beds and I believe they have increased the number.
This year promises to be interesting – the committee is making every effort to provide for our interests. As you know we have a stand at the Gosford Show in May, which might seem a long way off but it is amazing how quickly time gets away so we are hoping that lots of us will start to pot a few plants and trees to help with the display so Robyn is not running around trying to find enough.
Kerrie is working hard to get good speakers for us and at the meeting 18th February we will be able to listen to Paula Paananen speak about how the Paananen family have helped establish permaculture principles in an African village. Now that should be fascinating and a hard act to follow so Kerrie has a hard job on her hands.
Maree and Peta have been having heaps of ideas about activities and I’m sure you’ll hear them in their final form as time goes on. Of course they really need to know your thoughts on what you would like to do so they can work on them, so make sure you have a chat to them at the next meeting about what they are planning..
The Craft Group, ably led by Pauline, did a great job of providing the raffle prizes in November and I’m sure the recipients must have been happy to enjoy the goodies. The group met for the first time this year on Tuesday and will continue each week to enjoy the company and being creative. Pauline has an amazing garden which is delightfully embellished with her crafty creations. Maybe we will be able to visit it if a tour of small gardens is organised.
Hope you can all come on 18th February. Please bring your own mug and a plate of food to share, if you possibly can, so we can all enjoy a nibble and a chat about all things permaculture.