How quickly the year is going!! Hard to imagine that it is already April and Easter has come and gone and quite a wet one it was. Well it must be said for wet weather that it makes a much easier job of weeding.
I hope that you are all enjoying The PCC Information Nights and the Activities that have so far occurred. Speaking of Talks those of you who were inspired by Diego Benetto to have a go at munching weeds may like to further enhance your knowledge by logging onto website which has all manner of interesting stuff such as information about easy ways to crack Bunyah nuts and how to eat them, how to use chick weed, prickly pear and nettles. It also has other info about planting garlic so you might find it an interesting read.
According to those who attended the Activity at Jean’s place it was a really good day and the sorting and saving of seeds was a worthwhile and enjoyable activity. This is something that we should all try to facilitate by saving seeds from our own gardens. Linda is a super saver of seeds and has shared many seeds with us. We need to copy her good habits.
At the next Information Night John Seed will be the speaker and if you don’t know who he is, try looking him up on Google. He sounds like an amazing man, who has done many things and if like me you are not sure what Deep Ecology is all about, we can look forward to finding out on Tuesday21st April.
By now we are all thinking of the Gosford Show and Peta and Lloyd are hoping you are potting up herbs to make herbal tea. At the show we are hoping to have a continuous supply of various herbal teas available for the public to sample. If you are not sure what herbs are needed to make the tea have a chat to Peta and Lloyd at the next Information Night. At the last show we offered people a taste of unusual fruits and it was surprising to find that many had never tasted Monsterio and even guava. So it should be interesting to see how they react to our ‘tea from your garden’.
Don’t forget Ecoburbia on 11th April, when we have a stall to let people know we exist and what we do. If you are there, you might be able to relieve someone on the stall so they can have a look around because at this stage we have only a few volunteers.
This could be useful information but so far we have not tested it but you might like to try. Put slices of cucumber on aluminium foil in the garden to upset those white cabbage moths—good luck.
Hope to see you all at Tuggerah 21st April and at the activity the week after (26th April). Keep bringing you own mug and yummy food for sharing if you can so we can munch and chat about all things permacultural or just chat.