2016 Survey Response


Thank you to all 25 members who took part to our survey about PCC activities! You will find below the answers that gathered the most scores (10 or more).

Thank you too to those who put their hands up to either host an event or join the committee – I will contact you shortly! J

Let get cranking then! We’re already in March and we have lots to do!!!

(oh and if you’re not yet a member with PCC… it might well be just time for you to become one! Check our membership page)

2016 Survey responses (score of 10 or more)

Zone O – the home

  • Making sourdough
  • Canning
  • Pickles

Zone I – the garden

  • Raising soil fertility
  • Edible weeds
  • Open gardens
  • Seed saving

Zone II – the fruit trees

  • Biodynamic gardening
  • Integrated pest management
  • Managing a banana grove
  • Pruning – Summer, Winter
  • Native bees
  • Bush tucker garden
  • Growing mushrooms

Zone IV – harvestable timber

  • Timber, bamboo, nuts

Zone V – wildlife (fauna and flora)

  • Insect hotel
  • Managing weeds
  • Frog ponds

Preferred days

  • Saturday
  • Sunday