On Sunday 26 October a group that would have been about 15 members and supporters of PCC came together and worked like a well oiled machine for a few hours in the heat to construct 12 large wicking beds at THEDIG (Tuggerah Hall Experimentation , Demonstration and Innovation Garden ) . The wicking beds were planted out with seedling and seed including beans , eggplant , beetroot , lettuce , carrot , mitzuna , cucumber , and various herbs . After discussion about how they work we decided that the wicking beds can be described as large self watering pots . Many of the participants also took home smaller portable wicking beds that only need potted up with soil and their choice of plants . For those who were unable to make it we are planning to finish off a few more wicking beds before the next Info Night on Tuesday 20 November .
Thanks to all who participated . We now have created a lasting solution to the problem of a garden bed dominated by the weed Pennywort by smothering it with the wicking beds . we can now look forward to increasing yield and sharing surplus with members at Info Nights .
Special thanks to Bob and Helen for providing and delivering the great plastic drums used to make the wicking beds and the tools needed to retrofit them . Also to Robyn for providing seedlings and expertise and Joanne for providing seeds . Also a big thanks to those who continue to bring yummy permaculture food to share at these kind of PCC events .
Remember that growing our own organic is food is the quintessential investment in the health of ourselves and the local environment .
DIG it