New free monthly events for members
Permaculture is a large umbrella underneath which is nestled a plethora of activities and techniques. Amongst them are eco-living, passive solar designs, organic gardening, sustainable farming, dynamic governance, etc. The list is very long! 🙂
The very structure of this umbrella however is what permaculture is truly all about:
- the three ethics form the central core and handle,
- the many principles form the ribs.
Starting May 2014, we will explore each permaculture principles in details. We’ll examine what they mean, how they relate to permaculture ethics and how we can best use them in our systems.
We’ll run these sessions in an informal, kids-friendly, facilitated discussion format.
This means, all you have to do is turn up on the day with an open mind, a plate to share, your kids or grand-kids, comfortable shoes and a notepad perhaps too.
What to expect from these events
Run in a facilitator-led discussion and brainstorming format at a PCC member’s home or garden, each session will aim at answering the following questions:
- What is the definition and meaning of the studied principle?
- Where can we find tangible examples of the studied principle at the host site?
- What other examples can we think of in other contexts (such as in social permaculture)?
- What can we do with the studied principle on our own site?
- How can we best implement the studied principle?
Alexia Martinez, PCC Activities Coordinator
For PCC activities to run, we depend a lot on members’ willingness to open their doors or farm gates to visitors.
We respect our host’s needs for privacy and for this reason we think it is fair to everyone that:
- These events are only opened to members, and that
- Registration is required (to help with logistics, confirm visitors’ identities and manage crowds!).
Calendar of events
Our first event will be on 25 May 2014.
“Living on the Edge”
Use Edges and Value the Marginal
We will post more information on the event’s page.
Who to contact
Contact us if you need more info or if you would like to host one of these events.
Many thanks,
Go well,
Alexia Martinez
PCC Activities Coordinator